Shipments and returns

What should I do if my order hasn't been delivered yet?

Your estimated delivery date is in your Order Confirmation email – please allow until this date for your order to arrive. It's also worth checking if there are any local delays in your area.

You’ll be able to follow your order if it’s been sent with a trackable service. To check this, all you need to do is log into

and put your tracking number,just click the link and you’ll be able to follow your parcel. If the status shows ‘Shipped’, your order has been sent with your local postal service and isn’t trackable.

Your tracking link will be able to provide up to date information on the status of your order.

If your estimated delivery date has passed and you haven’t received your order, contact your manager and we can help you further.

How can I find your international delivery information?

Standard and Express delivery services are available for most of the countries that we ship to. Once you've entered your delivery address, you'll be able to see the available delivery services.*

Tracking is available on all Express Delivery services (EMS). You'll receive a shipping confirmation email from the warehouse with a tracking link for your parcel so you can follow its journey.

Shipping costs are calculated automatically at the checkout page when both the destination and delivery service are selected.

Our carriers deliver during normal business working hours and may require a signature on receipt, so we suggest your order is delivered to an address where someone will be available to accept it.

Your order will be sent out via the most suitable carrier, dependent on size and weight.

Once your order has arrived in your country, it will be passed on to an internal postal service, according to standard delivery procedures.

If you're not in when your parcel arrives, the carrier will leave a card telling you where it is. It might be left in a safe place or there will be details on how to pick up your order or rearrange delivery.

Please be advised that on any public holiday dates in your country, deliveries will not be made. In this instance, please expect your order to arrive the next business day.

*We aim to meet these delivery times but during busy periods (including sale) deliveries may take a little longer. Occasionally tech updates to our systems or force majeure events, such as extreme weather conditions, will mean that these delivery services aren’t available, or that order cut-off times need amending and/or delivery times need to be extended. However, we will always work hard to keep these temporary changes to a minimum. Auto Korea  cannot be held liable for any parcels that are lost or stolen as a result of any specific delivery instructions left for the carrier.

For any special requirements for the delivery we are ready to ship by customers shipping company agents.

For those shipments we are not making any charges for the freight or other.

You will be paying only for the auto part prices.

Will my parcel be charged customs and import charges?

You may be charged for handling fees and taxes as your order passes through customs. Any charges on a parcel must be paid by the person receiving the parcel (this also applies to retail & wholesale customers).

Auto Korea  has no control over these charges and we can’t tell you what the cost would be, as customs policies and import duties vary widely from country to country.

It might be a good idea to contact your local customs office for current charges before you order, so you are not surprised by charges you were not expecting.

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